The Board of Trustees met for its regular meeting in the N* Room at the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium beginning at 0800 on May 13, 2016. ADM Robert J. Natter, ’67 USN (Ret.), Chair of the Board of Trustees, acted as chair of the meeting and Captain William R. Dawson ’82, SC, USN (Ret.) acted as secretary of the meeting.

The Chair welcomed all and determined that a quorum was present. Trustees Dave Kern ’81, Captain Karin Vernazza ’90, Captain Heidi Berg ’91, and 1stLt Ian Cameron ’12 were excused in advance from the Board meeting by ADM Natter. The Chair then noted the recent loss of Admiral Hank Mustin ’55 and asked for a moment of silence for those members who had gone before us since the last meeting.

The following actions were taken by the Board:

In his remarks, the Chair provided an overview of what was discussed by the Executive Committee. He also advised that the Executive Committee had unanimously approved the Authorization to Transact Business Resolution, discussed the projected rotation dates of current non-trustee committee members and the Alumni Association and Foundation co-location initiative.

Byron Marchant ’78, President and CEO gave the President’s Report.

The Commandant of Midshipmen provided the Board with an update on the Naval Academy and the Brigade of Midshipmen.

Kristen Pironis gave her report on Communications for the fiscal year 2016-17. Bill O’Connor gave his report on fundraising and Hank Sanford gave the Treasurer’s Report. Mike Mundt gave his report on Joint Investment.

Reports were received from Governance, House, Membership & Alumni Services, Admissions, Communications and Other Chapter Trustee Selection Committees. Spence Johnson ’63, updated the board on the Council of Class Presidents, after which the Chair bid farewell to departing trustees, Kate Dooley ’95 and 1st Lt Ian Cameron’12.

After the farewell to departing Board Members, the meeting adjourned.

The new Board of Trustees (reconstituted to include newly appointed members: LTJG John-Rex Spivey ’13 and Minh-Tu Greenberg ’99) convened in the Akerson Tower at 2 the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium. Admiral Robert J. Natter ’67, USN (Ret.), Chair of the Board of Trustees, acted as chair of the meeting and Captain William R. Dawson ’82, SC, USN (Ret.) acted as secretary of the meeting.

A quorum was present.

The Chair announced the next meeting date: 7-8 December 2016

The Chair then opened the floor for those in attendance.

The meeting adjourned at 1201.

CAPT Bill Dawson ‘82 led the Board and those present in singing two verses of Navy Blue and Gold.

Bill Dawson '82

Updated: October 11, 2018
Curator: Ed Moore